
De Groot Property and Re-Leased

De Groot Property uses
Re-Leased to stay progressive, agile, and grow their business 


Daniel Brick
Director, De Groot Property

De Groot was founded in 1989 to specialise in Commercial Property Management and investment advice. The company manages portfolios all over the country, helping its clients make savvy investments based on decades of experience. Daniel Brick joined the company in 2007 with a qualification in Commercial Property Agency. As a director, he is responsible for the day-to-day management of the company and liaising with clients. Daniel took some time out of his day to discuss how Re-Leased has positively impacted De Groot Property’s portfolio.

The changing landscape of the commercial property industry

De Groot Property has been operating for over 35 years. Daniel has been a director at the company for over 15 years and has observed an enormous shift in the industry over the last decade.

Demand for smart buildings, shorter lease lengths, and an increase in tenant turnover are some of the changes driving technology to play a bigger role in the real estate industry.  For example, 20-year leases are gone and most tenants now go for 10-year leases with 5-year breaks. The increasing frequency of changes creates a lot more work.

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Moving to a cloud-based system

De Groot Property was using MUS multi-user software but really wanted a cloud-based system and a system that would give them data visibility and analysis. It was important to the company that the software they chose would grow with the company and operate intuitively so that everyone could pick it up and reap the benefits straight away. 

Daniel’s background was in business system design and so he already had a strong idea of what he wanted - a complete property management system that did everything in one. Daniel completed comprehensive background research for the company to select the right software.

We chose Re-Leased because a lot of our clients are people who would run their own property portfolios. We wanted to provide visibility for everyone, as well as move on to the cloud. We began using it at the end of 2019 and we had 3-4 months before the pandemic hit. If we hadn’t transitioned on to Re-Leased, the pandemic would have been even more of a nightmare.

The benefits of Software as a Service

The team needed to have remote access from various locations and be viewing one shared source of information. One of the key features for Daniel when choosing Re-Leased was the quest for a product that would constantly stay up to date.  

We moved our company accounts into Xero and we were impressed. We were basically looking for the Xero equivalent in property management. Re-Leased thinks and works in a very similar way. We like that it’s in the cloud and there are constant product updates - there’s such progressive agility to the product. When you can automate time-consuming tasks, why wouldn’t you?


Intuitive and user-friendly design

Intuitive and user-friendly was a key factor in adopting Re-Leased throughout the company so everyone could use it. As Daniel states:

I picked up Re-Leased very quickly - and all our staff says the same thing. It’s obvious, it’s intuitive. Our accountants say it’s so user-friendly."

We’re completely paperless and streamlined now with security as it’s all stored safely in the cloud. 

“We looked around at several systems before we went with Re-Leased. Re-Leased is quite unique; it’s been built specifically for commercial property managers. It’s not an existing system that has had things added to it and you can tell by its functionality and simplicity. It does the job beautifully for everyone involved.”

Cut down on admin, focus on growth

The exciting parts of running a business are not usually known to encompass admin. Using Re-Leased frees up all that admin time and allows Daniel and the company to concentrate on the fun parts of the business. 

Technology to plan for the future

Re-Leased is a big factor in helping De Groot Property with strategic growth to expand the business. The company offers bespoke service as much as it can and the software helps the company to promote itself professionally. 

We can actively market ourselves as using Re-Leased; it’s the visibility that’s the winning factor."

I’m able to say that, yes, De Groot can look after a property but because we’re using Re-Leased, the client gets visibility too. They can see what I see. For people who are used to managing the property themselves, it gives them that autonomy. It also keeps us looking professional in a branding sense, a copy of a statement or an invoice is just a tap away - it’s progressive and agile. Those are the values we adhere to as well. It’s a very happy partnership.

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