Allowing tenants, property managers and landlords in Canada to stay connected to their property businesses from anywhere, at any time.
Re-Leased's mobile apps empower property professionals in Canada to provide top-notch service no matter where they are – whether it's at client meetings, on the go, or in the office.
Get on-demand insight into your portfolio, reduce admin tasks & paperwork and stay on top of it all from anywhere.
Instantly connect with what you need, when you need it and take your service to the next level. Position yourself as a trusted advisor.
Eliminate the hassle of shuffling paperwork between landlords, tenants, and property managers. Unite your entire team, no matter where they are.
If I'm out at a property, I can pull out my laptop or my phone and reference information on other properties that relate to new business – it’s the only way I operate.
One of the biggest benefits we've found with Re-Leased is that when you enter a global pandemic, you can carry on working from wherever you are in the world. It was absolutely no issue.
When you’re reviewing a tenancy with a tenant, talking about things like when their term renewal is, instead of lugging around a lease document, you can log into Re-Leased and all that information is at your fingertips.